The ideas and values behind the creation of MiPi

June 28, 2024

One woman's ideas for the future of logistics

‍Theissues behind the MiPi creation project.

At the origin of the creation of the company, Yasmine Iamarène had three questions that were particularly important to her:


Today, the world of work is still very unequal with a wage gap of up to 25% between men and women.

In the transport and logistics sector, there are no more than 5% of women on the roads in France. However, the logistics and transport sector suffers from a shortage of delivery drivers in light vehicles. The majority of warehouses are located in the suburbs and in rural areas, where women suffer the most from insecurity.


Today, with the rise of online shopping, customer relationships are difficult to maintain for retailers.

Indeed, the only physical contact point between the end customer and the retailer is the precious moment of delivery. It is at this stage that the image of the brand is at stake. A bad experience with the delivery person or a delivery problem can damage customer satisfaction.


The logistics industry is one of the most dynamic sectors in France. An important part of this activity is linked to the growth of online orders and purchases.

Indeed, being in the top 3 of the largest e-commerce market in Europe, it is 1.4 million packages that are delivered every day. A quantity that can turn into a scourge for the environment.

In addition, the logistics sector generates a large carbon footprint (road transport, trucks, packaging, use of fossil fuels, fine particle emissions, etc.) and must therefore reinvent itself and adapt to find more environmentally friendly solutions.

It is from these observations that Yasmine has developed a customized offer by placing topics such as consumer experience, ecology, parity, safety, respect, insertion and evolution in the foreground.

MiPi's ambition: Redefine the codes of the transport industry

The logistics sector faces a wide range of challenges. It wasn't enough "just" to set up a company with the right values, but to respect and share them, together.

That's why, since 2020, our delivery company has grown by putting people at the heart of the process, while rethinking logistics and delivery services for the benefit of all.

We rely on two fundamental commitments to ensure that we are environmentally friendly and committed.

For this, a fleet of eco-responsible vehicles (bicycle, cargo bike, electric scooter...) has been set up so that our delivery service does not impact the air quality in urban areas.

In addition, the work of the parcel carriers has been redesigned with our specialized tools in order to optimize each round and thus reduce CO2 emissions by an average of 30%.

Constant innovation is the future of delivery if all the players in transport and delivery give themselves the means.

Delivery is an integral part of the shopping experience.

With e-commerce, the points of contact with the consumer are reduced compared to the in-store experience. Therefore, the work of delivery people should not be underestimated, as they are the first, if not the only, physical point of contact between the customer and the brand.

That's why we have at heart to inscribe in the foundations of our service, the guarantee of an optimal customer experience. We promise to respect delivery times, to treat your packages with care (no loss, theft or damage).

Parity at work, our priority.

For Yasmine Iamarene, it was vital to take action on the role of women in the transport industry. That's why, at MiPi, we've made gender equality one of our priorities.

The world of work is still very unequal with a percentage of 5% of women in transport and delivery companies. This industry struggles to find staff in relation to the number of jobs to be filled, while women are the population that suffers the most from precariousness.

We therefore went out to meet women in order to raise their awareness and present the range of jobs within logistics. Our work with these women also consists of breaking down prejudices and stereotypes and making use of all their talents in order to multiply the skills and strengths within our teams.

Hiring women means acting for integration and fighting against the discrimination and precariousness they suffer in the world of work and bringing a new perspective to the logistics professions.

The delivery profession has not always enjoyed a good image with the general public. Today, MiPi's founder and all our professionals are working to change preconceived ideas about logistics services and home parcel delivery.

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