Mipi parcel delivery services

Why not entrust your deliveries to a responsible and committed transport company?

Trust MiPi for

a service
more human and cleaner.

MiPi is a responsible freight transport company that puts people at the heart of the process, with strong CSR values and commitments.

MIDI PILE - A more human and cleaner service thanks to our delivery men and women.
MIDI PILE - A more human and cleaner service thanks to our delivery men and women.

The choice of a responsible mode of transport to finally deliver better

We put at your service a fleet of vehicles capable of ensuring the delivery of letters and parcels to B to B and B to C recipients.

Midi Pile - Delivery by cargo bikeMidi Pile - Delivery by truck

delivery by cargo bike

Thanks to the cargo bike, we meet the delivery needs of professionals and individuals in the city center. This solution allows for fast deliveries while avoiding the constraints of urban traffic in large cities, while reducing the environmental impact of this activity.

Delivery by scooter

For even greater responsiveness, MiPi deploys its zero-emission two-wheelers for pick-up and drop-off delivery services in urban areas. From small fragile parcels to fresh produce, thanks to baskets, bags and transport boxes, all your orders arrive at their destination without a hitch.

Delivery by truck

Transport that is as carbon-free as possible! From the motorization of our trucks to their use during our daily rounds, we do our utmost to deliver your parcels with clean vehicles (electric, hybrid, CNG/GNV, thermal with tour optimization ...), more respectful of the planet and the well-being of citizens.


MiPi stands for strong values and delivery service

more suitable
to our times and to the needs of our customers.
Midi Pile - A perfected quality of service

Improved quality of service

One of the foundations of our service is customer satisfaction.
At the very beginning of the company's creation, one question was particularly important to us: why don't delivery people realize that they are responsible for a good customer experience?

It is from this observation that Midi Pile has developed a customized offer by placing the consumer experience at the forefront.

The professionalism of our delivery men and women

Thanks to a comprehensive training program and an internal human resources policy, our teams carry out their missions brilliantly, day after day. Even if the pace of work is intense, each employee is proud to wear the MiPi colors and to be the guarantor of your brand image right up to product delivery.
Men and women alike do not hesitate to invest themselves and to surpass themselves. The result is real internal career development and one of the lowest turnover rates in the sector.

Satisfaction from one end of the supply chain to the other

From brand to carrier to end consumer, MiPi's model rethinks the entire logistics chain. The aim is to offer a transport service in tune with the challenges facing our society. The challenge is to satisfy all the members of the chain with quality service, short delivery times, human team management and a real commitment to the environment.

Hand delivery

Since delivery is an integral part of the shopping experience, the products transported by our drivers are delivered at the date and time agreed upon at the time of the order or the tracking of the package. We are committed to meeting the agreed-upon deadlines and time slots. This maximizes the chances of being able to hand over the package to the recipient at home or at the workplace. This is an important moment of contact and exchange that enhances the work of our carriers. The customer will no longer have to go to the post office or to a collection point after a notice of passage.

MIDI PILE - A new vision of the transport and logistics industry

A new vision of the transport and logistics industry

Letters are scarce, while parcels are flooding mailboxes... With the boom in e-commerce reinforced by the confinements associated with Covid-19, parcel shipping is definitely not experiencing a crisis.

The delivery profession has not always enjoyed a quality image with the general public. Today, MiPi's founder and all the professionals on her team are trying to change preconceived ideas about logistics services and home parcel delivery.

We put at your service a fleet of vehicles capable of ensuring the delivery of letters and parcels to B to B and B to C recipients.
Midi Pile - The ecological transition, our line of conduct

Delivering better for a more planet-friendly business

These days, it's inconceivable to develop a business without taking ecological issues into account. That's why MiPi approaches its business by putting ecomobility first. Indeed, a study of the carbon impact of parcel transport reveals that the last kilometer accounts for a significant proportion of CO2 emissions in urban and suburban areas.

To keep air and noise pollution to a minimum, it was vital to develop clean delivery methods. With MiPi, the final stages of your parcel's journey are carried out in complete safety, thanks to eco-responsible means of transport and intelligent route management. Parcel delivery has never been so intelligently green!

Hand delivery

Since delivery is an integral part of the shopping experience, the products transported by our drivers are delivered at the date and time agreed upon at the time of the order or the tracking of the package.
We are committed to meeting deadlines and time slots. This maximizes the chances of being able to hand-deliver the package to the recipient at home or at the workplace. This is an important moment of contact and exchange that enhances the work of our carriers. The customer will no longer have to go to the post office or to a collection point after a notice of passage.