A few words about Mipi

MiPi specializes in last-mile delivery. Thanks to our couriers, your mail and goods are perfectly managed and in line with today's social challenges.

MIDI PILE - Team - The founders
creation of MiPi

present in several cities in France.

a growth to



new customers
& partners every month.

Midi Pile - 3 questions behind the Midi Pile last mile delivery project

questions behind the MiPI last-mile delivery project

What are the environmental issues behind home delivery?

Global consumption is constantly changing. The boom in home orders and parcel deliveries can be explained in different ways. However, one thing is certain: the environmental impact of e-commerce and logistics flows is major. It is therefore urgent to adapt and encourage virtuous behavior for the good of the planet and its inhabitants. As a player in last-mile delivery, MiPi has a role to play in reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) in urban environments. To do so, it relies in particular on route optimization, cyclo-logistics and electric vehicles, while relegating polluting modes of transport (trucks and combustion-powered vans) to the background. Its medium-to-long-term objective is a 100% clean transport service and sustainable urban mobility.


With the rise of online shopping, customer relations are becoming increasingly difficult for retailers to maintain.
Indeed, the only point of physical contact between the end customer and the retailer is the precious moment of delivery. It's at this stage that the brand's image is at stake, and a bad experience with the delivery driver or a delivery problem can undermine customer satisfaction.
At MiPi, we see our carriers as representatives. They themselves are aware of their importance and seek to invest themselves in their courier missions. Training and well-being in the workplace contribute to employee self-esteem and a sense of belonging to the company. As a result, the quality of delivery services is enhanced.


Today, no more than 5% of the drivers on France's roads are women. Yet logistics and transport are suffering from a shortage of light vehicle delivery drivers. The majority of warehouses are located in suburban and rural areas, where women suffer the most from job insecurity. By promoting the employment of women, MiPi addresses all these issues. Equality between men and women has been a subject close to the heart of MiPi's founder since childhood, and the company can now boast loud and clear that it has succeeded in establishing parity in its teams. Delivery driver, team leader, logistician, human resources manager, saleswoman... Women can also flourish in the logistics professions.

MIDI PILE - Redefining the codes of the transportation industry

MiPi's ambition: to redefine the codes of the transport industry

The logistics sector faces a variety of challenges.
If the very heart of our business is to ensure the delivery of goods and parcels of all kinds to satisfy every sender and recipient, we want to do so by conveying our values, as well as your products!

Thus, we put forward subjects such as ecology, parity, safety, respect, integration, evolution... Delivering better is not an empty word. It's possible to satisfy every link in the logistics chain by gradually changing the way things are done.

Strong values and urban logistics rethought for the good of all - that's what modern delivery is all about!
It's thanks to these commitments that major companies and distributors trust MiPi to handle the transport of goods in Paris and other major cities and towns in France.

Redefine the codes with us

From start-up to last mile delivery company

Since 2020, our delivery company has expanded rapidly. Thanks to the logistical know-how of our co-founders, we are now one of France's leading transport companies. The MiPi founding team has no intention of stopping there, and has big plans for the future:

Deliver with agility and speed.
All your mail, letters and small parcels under 5kg find their recipient in less time than it takes to say cyclo-logistics! Utility bicycles are perfect for last mile transport and delivery.

MIDI PILE - From start-up to last mile delivery company
MIDI PILE - From start-up to last mile delivery company

Set up more MiPi agencies throughout France based on the same model. The aim is to promote responsible urban logistics and offer better delivery conditions to consumers and carriers in every city.

Promoting innovation to improve last-mile delivery and reduce the impact of parcels on the environment and the well-being of citizens. From the most carbon-free vehicle fleets possible in terms of the environment, optimizing flow management to ever more efficient and effective routes...

Act with us