MIDI PILE - Ecological delivery, our line of conduct

Ecological delivery,
our line of conduct


of French people say they are concerned by climate issues and want to be a force for change

1.4 million

parcels are delivered in France every day. A quantity that can turn into an environmental scourge.


of French people say they would wait longer to receive their parcel if it were delivered by an environmentally-friendly method.

Act with us

Ecology and its challenges in the logistics sector

The logistics industry is one of the most dynamic sectors in France. An important part of this activity is linked to the growth of online orders and purchases. Indeed, France is the 3rd largest e-commerce market in Europe.

However, the logistics sector generates a carbon footprint that is more than significant: road transport, trucks, packaging, use of fossil fuels, emission of fine particles... It will therefore have to reinvent itself and take on new challenges to find more environmentally friendly solutions.

In addition, drivers will soon have to face traffic restrictions in large cities such as Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Lille, Rouen... These cities will indeed ban access to thermal vehicles considered too polluting. Faced with this ecological policy, delivery professionals must evolve their offer by proposing delivery options that meet these new environmental criteria.

MIDI PILE - Ecology and its challenges in the logistics sector
The 3 Midi Pile commitments for sustainable delivery services

Mipi's 3 commitments to sustainable delivery services

MiPi's transport business, which specializes in last-mile deliveries, is committed to an ecological approach. The company has set itself the target of reducing emissions linked to the transport of goods by 20% to 70%, in order to mitigate the dangers of climate change.

Zero emission delivery in urban areas

France's major cities are densely populated and generate a great deal of pollution from human activity. To ensure that our delivery service has no impact on air quality in urban areas, MiPi has taken up the challenge of ecologistics.
We have developed a fleet of eco-responsible vehicles. Bicycles, cargo bikes, electric scooters...
These modes of transport and delivery perfectly meet the expectations of customers and companies, while drastically limiting CO2 emissions.

Optimization of delivery routes

Greening the means of transport for last-mile delivery is all well and good.
Improving upstream supply chain processes is even better! Thanks to our specialized tools, we've been able to take a fresh look at the work of parcel carriers and optimize every route.

To achieve this, three fundamental actions:

- The ecological ambition is not intended to create discrimination according to delivery zones. Depending on the quantity (small or medium-sized vehicles) and the area (suburbs or rural areas) to be delivered, sometimes only thermal vehicles can be used due to the lack of recharging points and autonomy of existing vehicles. Our commitment is to reduce our carbon footprint without refusing to deliver to towns lacking the necessary infrastructure for electric vehicles.
Route optimization can reduce CO2 emissions by an average of 30%.

- Respecting the delivery slot chosen by the customer when placing the order maximizes the chances of handing over the parcel to the recipient. No delivery notice if the package is too big to fit in the letterbox.
It may sound basic, but avoiding the multiplication of journeys to deliver a parcel is a real factor in being more efficient and taking care of the planet by limiting flows.

- Set up the most coherent routes to ensure rapid delivery despite traffic. Thanks to software specific to the delivery business, it is possible to organize carrier routes to limit the number of kilometers traveled between different recipients. When combined with a clean vehicle and eco-driving, ecological objectives can be achieved.

Constant innovation

Our mission is also to develop the business to try to deliver better. Solutions and less polluting vehicles (2 to 3-wheelers, electric, hybrid or NGV) are developed every day to reduce the impact of transport on the planet.
Reducing our energy consumption, participating in ecological awareness, turning to renewable and low-carbon energies, setting up an environmental code or a charter label on sustainable transport... The future of delivery can be ecological if all the players in the transport and delivery sector give themselves the means to do so.

MIDI PILE - Redesigned deliveries for the good of all.

With MiPi, deliveries are redesigned to

the good
of all.

Mipi's new take on the logistics and parcel delivery industry

We put at your service a fleet of vehicles capable of ensuring the delivery of letters and parcels to B to B and B to C recipients.
Midi Pile - Parity is our priorityMidi Pile - Safety firstMidi Pile - The guarantee of the customer experience, our commitment.


Our CSR values are not limited to the environment. Our social commitment is also strong. The company promotes gender equality in the delivery business.
Establishing parity by recruiting as many women as men in a predominantly male world is a real social challenge.


Our company puts a lot of effort into the safety and well-being of our courier teams. To guarantee this, our delivery drivers are well equipped and trained in road safety to prevent any danger or damage to the goods.

Customer Experience

Despite strong growth in demand for delivery from containment, MiPi strives to maximize customer satisfaction. We take great care to avoid all kinds of delays and lost packages. Fully aware of the importance of their role in the customer's shopping experience, our delivery men and women take their work to heart and always seek to provide courteous service.