MIDI PILE - Safety first

safety first

MIDI PILE - Secure delivery, a priority on 3 levels

At MiPI, secure delivery is a 3-pronged priority

One of the foundations of our service is customer satisfaction.
At the very beginning of the company's creation, one question was particularly important to us: why don't delivery people realize that they are responsible for a good customer experience?

It is from this observation that Midi Pile has developed a customized offer by placing the consumer experience at the forefront.

Safety of delivery personnel

Our delivery drivers spend their days on the road to ensure deliveries, which automatically leads to risks of accidents.
To protect them as much as possible from the dangers of transporting parcels, our couriers are provided with safe transport methods and regulatory protective equipment (helmets, lighting, reflective vests, lighting, etc.).
Likewise, our professionals are trained to scrupulously respect the highway code to ensure road safety for all.
Today, software programs are used by our delivery drivers to control the quality of their driving.

Package security

Before reaching their destination, parcels undergo a number of changes during the shipping process. From the moment the MiPi team takes charge of your parcel for the last few kilometers of its journey, we can assure you that every parcel is treated with the utmost care.
Whatever the delivery method (bike, cargo bike, scooter, truck...). Thanks to the traceability and meticulous organization of our flows, we ensure that your goods and valuable products are not stolen, lost or damaged.

Job security

The transport and delivery industry is constantly on the lookout for new recruits to cope with rising demand.
Indeed, since the first containment, the number of online purchases has soared. Today, over 1.4 million parcels need to be delivered every day in France.
At MiPi, our priority is to create stable, permanent jobs by recruiting motivated people from a variety of backgrounds. The world of logistics is rich in opportunities. That's why we're looking to develop integration and parity within our teams.
Empowering our drivers and giving them the chance to develop internally is one of the keys to limiting turnover.

MIDI PILE - A new vision of the logistics and goods delivery business.

Mipi's vision of the logistics and goods delivery professions

A newcomer to an industry with long-established habits and principles, MiPi is determined to make a difference. In addition to its secure delivery service, the company aims to make its model a source of inspiration for satisfying all players in the supply chain, from retailers and e-tailers to final recipients.

We put at your service a fleet of vehicles capable of ensuring the delivery of letters and parcels to B to B and B to C recipients.
Midi Pile - The guarantee of the customer experience, our commitment. Midi Pile - The ecological transition, our line of conductMidi Pile - Parity is our priority

customer experience

For the end customer, the brief relationship with the delivery person during the handover is a guarantee of premium quality. This point of contact is an integral part of the customer experience: it is the only time when the customer can interact with a physical person after a dematerialized purchase. It is therefore during the delivery that the image of the brand is played out and that the customer relationship is built. Our professional delivery teams are fully aware of the importance of this service and always try to enhance the sender's value: training, provision of a tracking number, respect of delivery deadlines and time slots, courtesy...


Preserving the environment is becoming a crucial collective issue. As a transport and delivery company, we have a role to play and must seek solutions to reduce our carbon impact. This is why we try to make our last mile delivery as green as possible by favoring soft modes of transport such as bicycles, cargo bikes and electric scooters. For bulky parcels, we use hybrid, electric or CNG vehicles. Combined with eco-driving measures and optimization of the routes taken by our carriers, the objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions due to delivery in urban areas by 20% to 70%.


MiPi has also decided to make a commitment to gender equality by implementing total parity within its delivery company. Why are there so few female delivery drivers and team leaders in the transport sector? In our vision of the profession, women and men have just as many assets to bring to their positions, so we encourage women to discover the world of delivery and find a job that suits their skills. Women are just as capable as men of carrying out delivery missions. We just need a little push to change people's minds.